Leader Insight

Five Strategies to Help Students During Midterms

At the end of August, ECPI University welcomed an influx of new students, ready to take the first step towards their ultimate career goals. As these students gear up for their first midterms at ECPI, they’re probably just now settling into a new routine juggling work, school, and other responsibilities.

Now is the time to engage with your students and remind them of the robust support system that our university offers. Student engagement leads to success so find ways to continually improve your communication with students.

Consider sharing these five strategies for student success as they tackle midterms.

1. Set Clear Goals

A sense of purpose will provide direction and motivation on the toughest days.  

2. Establish a Routine

Consistency will help you maintain focus and manage your time effectively.  

3. Celebrate Progress

Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small.  

4. Practice Self-Care

Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  

5. Seek Help

Reach out whenever you need assistance. You're part of a strong community that's here to help you succeed.