Faculty and Staff Head to Virginia Beach

Fall Faculty Conference is November 16-18, 2023
ECPI Virginia Beach Faculty Winner 2022

November promises to be a busy and exciting month at ECPI University. The annual Fall Faculty Conference (FFC) is scheduled to take place from November 16-18, 2023 in Virginia Beach. This event serves as an opportunity for faculty and staff to come together, exchange ideas, and plan for the upcoming year. The theme for this year's conference is "Igniting Student Success."

On Thursday, November 16th, faculty and staff will attend program sessions for curriculum planning and meet with vendors. Then on Friday, November 17th, the conference will transition to the Sheraton, where there will be presentations, an executive panel discussion, and a special recognition for the Faculty of the Year and other awards. Breakout sessions will be held at ECPI's Virginia Beach campuses that afternoon. Several technology-related topics have gained popularity among registrants, including sessions on Igniting Student Success through Lesson Planning with Active Learning Strategies, Ten Canvas Tips You May Not Know That Can Ignite Student Success! and Leveraging AI Technology with ChatGPT for the Practical Application in Enhancing Everyday Teaching. Campus Presidents will convene for their bi-annual meeting during the FFC.

In addition to the FFC, the Virginia Beach campus will host all Director of Admissions (DOAs) on November 30th and December 1st for an annual end-of-year review and training. During this time, the Admissions department will conduct strategic planning for 2024, as well as introduce new training initiatives for their teams.

These events provide valuable opportunities for professional development, networking, and strategic planning within ECPI’s academic community. Safe travels, and we look forward to seeing you soon!