2024 Employee Engagement Survey FAQs

What is the purpose of the Employee Engagement survey?

The 2024 Employee Engagement Survey gives faculty and staff an opportunity to make their voices heard and help shape the culture and employee experience at ECPI University. By sharing your feedback, you will help us create programs and resources that allow you to thrive at work and grow your career.

What is Employee Voice?

Employee Voice is a survey platform that offers a modern way for organizations to collect and understand employee feedback. The first step in building a great workplace and culture that engages, motivates, and retains employees is understanding what you care about!

How long is the survey?

The survey is under 40 questions. Responding to the survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes.

What if I don’t receive the survey link?

First, be sure to check your junk mailbox. If your survey link isn’t there – or, if you have any issues accessing the survey link – please reach out to Ashley Eisenberg, Director of Employee Engagement.

Am I eligible to complete the survey?

All ECPI University faculty and staff will receive a survey link on Wednesday, January 31. Each employee receives a survey link, so please don’t forward it to others.

Are responses confidential?

Your responses are kept confidential.

If responses are confidential, why is there a unique link for each employee?

The unique survey link allows Employee Voice to ensure each employee’s feedback is aggregated with that of other survey participants for analysis purposes.

Do I have to be logged into my work computer to access the engagement survey?

No, employees can take the survey on any mobile device while at the office, on campus, in the classroom or at home.

I tried to access the engagement survey from an Apple device and received an error message. How can I access the engagement survey?

Your unique survey link isn’t natively https. On most browsers, it will redirect from http to https, however on Safari it may not redirect. If you are receiving an error, click on your URL bar and type https:// at the beginning of the survey address and your engagement survey will load.

My team recently changed. Which team or leader should I consider when answering the questions?

Please answer the questions for the team you were on when the survey launched. This will ensure that your experience on that team was captured since you may not have been on your new team long enough to evaluate that experience. Please answer the questions for your leader or team as of January 31, 2024.

What will we do with the survey feedback?

Later this spring, we will hold a Town Hall to share what we have learned and some ideas on how we can best focus efforts to engage and support faculty and staff at ECPI University.

Am I required to complete the survey?

While responding to the survey is not required, it is your opportunity to share feedback to help us understand how to best engage and support you. So, responding to the survey is encouraged.