What Kind of Jobs Can You Get with an MIS Degree?

What Kind of Jobs Can You Get with an MIS Degree?

The current job climate can be unforgiving, and many industries that were solid sources of employment in the past are not as reliable as they used to be. If you already have a STEM bachelor's degree but are having difficulty finding a position that fits your skills, a Master of Information Systems may be just the boost you need to get your career back on track.

This versatile degree could prepare you for a number of the top-paying positions in the IT field including those of security administrator, cloud administrator, and vArchitect. Along with these well-known careers for IT professionals, the MIS degree can lead to employment in some of the fastest-growing emerging roles in the field.

Here are four of the most highly underrated jobs for MIS graduates.

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Desktop, Web, or Mobile Application Developers

Developers are responsible for designing, testing, and maintaining some of the most powerful tools on the internet. Whether they are working on traditional websites or the next killer app, this competitive field needs MIS graduates to push the envelope of what is possible in web and mobile development.

Developers are the backbone of the tech sector and creatively write code in a variety of programming languages while creating and testing new software applications. This position requires independent self-starters who are also great team players. Their duties are often the difference between a business or brand realizing their vision or failing in the market.


Virtual architects are the professionals responsible for operating virtual machinery that drives everything from modern warehouse operations to self-driving vehicles. With new industries for autonomous mechanisms growing every day, a wide variety of industries is hungry for qualified professionals to fill these roles. In the coming decade, AI and other innovations in automation are going to open up exciting opportunities for those who have had the chance to study at the graduate level.

Cloud Administrators

Cloud computing has been a driving force in the IT sector for years, and as it continues to grow and develop there is a drastic need for cloud administrators to keep these decentralized databases and network systems running smoothly. This is no small task and these demanding positions are just the kind of job that the MIS was custom-built to prepare students for. The cloud shows no signs of slowing down, and these positions are becoming more difficult for employers to fill.

Security Administrators

Security administrators may be the fastest growing of the professions on this list because information technology security has reached a crisis state in the current economy. Security administrators are the virtual tip of the spear in the battle against hacking, unauthorized access, and malware attacks on an organization. They are needed in every industry from the private sector to government and even charitable organizations. Almost every institution has an IT infrastructure that it needs to protect from bad actors, and an MIS degree is the perfect way to start.

As the number of cyber-attacks rise and the methods become increasingly complex, the red-hot demand for qualified professionals in this field will most likely continue to soar.

What Kind of Jobs Can You Get with an MIS Degree?

Are you interested in one of these exciting professions? If you want to earn your Master of Science in Information Systems, ECPI University offers this degree online at an accelerated rate of study. For more information about this program, connect with a friendly ECPI University admissions advisor today.

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Gainful Employment Information – Information Systems - Master’s

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