What are the Prerequisites for Accelerated Nursing Programs?

What are the Prerequisites for Accelerated Nursing Programs?

Nurses are caregivers, lifesavers, an everyday heroes. But how do you get into such a field? 

While some nursing programs can educate a student in two years to become a registered nurse (RN), an accelerated associate degree program can do the same in as little as 18 months. The graduate of an accelerated program is already ready for work (or possibly working in their field) by the time the traditional student is just graduating.

Before you rush to sign up though, make sure you educate yourself on possible prerequisites for an accelerated nursing program. Doing so will shed light on whether this fast-paced educational platform is right for you or not. Keep in mind that these prerequisites will vary from school to school. Always be sure to research the requirements of any institution you're considering attending.

How Can I Prepare Myself For The Application Process?

As the nursing program is not a master's program, you might not have any previous college experience, at least within the given field of study. There is nothing wrong with that. You can still prepare for the application process to set yourself up for success. Before proceeding you will need to gather all of the materials requested. You don't want to be in the middle of the application process only to find you are missing important documentation.

What Are The Potential Requirements?

For starters, seek out letters of recommendation. The nursing program admission's office does not know you. They do not know your personality or if you are able to stick with a fast pace educational course like the accelerated nursing program. This is where your letters of recommendation come in. You want these letters to come from individuals covering varying aspects of your life.

If you have a manager at work who will speak on the quality of your work, seek this individual out. Perhaps you donate time and work in the community at a charity? These are great sources from which to seek letters of recommendation. Any other medical background recommendation letters are helpful as well (if you have worked in a doctor's office or retirement center before). Three letters should be more than enough to paint a picture for the admissions board.

You will need a transcript from any previous education you have undergone. If high school is the last form of education you received, you'll need this. Now, it needs to be an official transcript, which means it can't be opened or viewed by anyone (this ensures nothing has been doctored).

With your letters of recommendation and official transcript, there isn't much else you need to do in order to prepare yourself in terms of the application process for enrollment into the program. Just put forth your best effort and follow all instructions.

What Do I Need to Include In My Resume and Admissions Materials?

When creating your resume for the accelerated nursing program, make sure to include information on your past jobs and indicate how you had to work in a fast-paced environment. Don't shy away from previous forms of work. Fast food experience is often some of the most beneficial, as there are few other jobs where you have to work this hard (and fast!) in a small space. Also include past education, certifications, and anything else that might make your resume stand out.

Your admissions materials might include a personal statement or an interview. Although this sounds daunting, completing either or both of these requirements is your time to let your personality and work ethic shine. Present yourself as not just a potential student, but as a potential nurse.

When putting your application together, keep everything neat and organized when applying, and always submit your materials on time. Failure to do so may eliminate you from consideration.

What are the Prerequisites for Accelerated Nursing Programs?

Are you interested in applying to an accelerated nursing program? ECPI University offers an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing as an accelerated program. For more information about this program, or any of our other nursing degrees, connect with a helpful admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI's College of Nursing TODAY!

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