Top 6 Favorite Technology Podcasts

Top 6 Favorite Technology Podcasts

Is there any doubt that technology continues to be one of the fastest-growing sectors in today's business world? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), computer and information technology is expected to add nearly half a million jobs by 2024 for an increase of 12%, a faster rate than the average of other occupations.

One of the reasons for this growth is that technology itself continues to advance at lightning speed. Keeping pace with current news and developments is a great way to supplement your studies and see real-life applications of what you're learning.

Podcasts are a convenient platform for staying up-to-date without interrupting your already busy schedule. Here are some of the best podcasts to follow for a well-rounded view of what's new in the world of technology.

1. This Week in Tech (TWiT)

Rated the #1 technology podcast by sources such as Forbes magazine, This Week in Tech is essentially Meet the Press for the digital industry. The show has its roots in TechTV, a niche cable network in the late-90s that covered the Internet and personal computing.

Today TWiT features a revolving round table of tech experts discussing the latest news, trends, and products. Host Leo Laporte keeps things moving while occasionally playing devil's advocate. Recent topics have included social media and the election, future of the Mac, and Google AI encryption.

2. Future Thinkers

Future Thinkers is a unique mash-up of technology and philosophy. Co-creators and co-hosts Euvie Ivanova and Mike Gilliland are self-described "digital nomads" with a goal of forming an "eco-futurist community" dedicated to building the future.

In recent podcasts, Ivanova and Gilliland have tackled intriguing subjects such as technology and spirituality, the future of marketing, and Bitcoin. The show offers thought-provoking insights into technology's integration with society and how it's shaping the future around the world.

3. Accidental Tech

According to the three hosts, the podcast name came about because the show is an accidental offshoot of Neutral, their car-centric podcast. Marco Ament, Casey Liss, and John Siracusa all have extensive backgrounds in programming and software development, so you can expect to hear lots of talk about coding, user interface design, and other hardcore tech topics.

But this is not your father's tech talk. The hosts keep it lively and entertaining by mixing in discussions about gaming, complaints about Apple TV, and Dropbox hacks.

4. Analog(ue)

Accidental Tech's Casey Liss also hosts this podcast, which is less about technology and digital devices than about the role they play in our everyday lives. Liss and co-host Myke Hurley add a personal touch with tidbits such as Myke's proposal to his fiancée and updates on their house-buying search.

Liss and Hurley share their own stories about leading a digital lifestyle, such as their mutual love of Instagram and experiments with taking social media "breaks." In the popular segment "#relayyourfeels," listeners tweet questions such as, "What's the best way to handle technology gifts that aren't quite what you want/need?"

5. Back to Work

Who couldn't use a couple more hours in the day? In this award-winning podcast, Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin give you plenty of helpful tips about devices and apps that save time and increase productivity.

With show titles such as, "Surely You Can't Be Sirius," it's clear that they bring a healthy sense of humor to the discussions. Recent topics include, "What home automation is and isn't good at," "When technology makes you crazy," and "Plex's new Cloud Sync offering."

6. Partially Derivative

The subtitle of this show is "The data of the world around us." Even for tech enthusiasts, subjects like SQL and datasets can be somewhat dry. Chris Albon and Jonathan Morgan, scientists at non-profit tech company Ushahidi, turn these topics into a fascinating chat over a couple of beers.

In addition to their conversations, Albon and Morgan conduct interviews with superstars in the data science tech field and conduct real-life applications. For instance, they did extensive work explaining the role of data science during the recent Presidential election, analyzing its successes and shortcomings.

Top 6 Favorite Technology Podcasts


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