Tips for Online Learning Success and How to Overcome Challenges

Tips for Online Learning Success and How to Overcome Challenges

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there were almost 6 million students enrolled in online education courses in 2015. This number has most likely grown significantly since then. There are many advantages to taking pursuing an online education; however, online learning can be a lot different from traditional in-classroom learning. The following are a few tips on how to get the most out of your online education and how to overcome some of the common challenges that students face with digital learning.

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Tips for Online Learning

The following are a few tips that will help you make sure that you get the most out of your online classes:

  • Have a reliable Internet connection - If you don't have internet, you'll need to get it. Don't count on the local coffee shop for your internet connection. What happens if there's nowhere to sit or their connection is down?
  • Save everything - The last thing you'll want is to lose hours' worth of work because your computer crashed and you forgot to save. Think about using a program like Google Documents or Dropbox, both of which allow you to save your work to the cloud so that you can retrieve it no matter what happens to your computer.
  • Set up a good learning environment - It's going to be difficult for you if your computer is set up in the living room and you're attempting to study or take tests while your family's watching TV. You need a dedicated study space where you won't be distracted.
  • Ask for help if you need it - Just because you don't have direct interaction with your teacher in the classroom doesn't mean there's nobody there to help you. If you're confused about the material or have questions, contact your online instructor. They will be more than happy to help. Not asking questions can result in you falling behind -- and besides, questions often help you understand the course material even more, thereby helping improve your education.
  • Participate in online discussions - Many online courses have forums where students can engage with one another. You should attempt to participate in any online discussions. Don't be afraid to start one either. The more you engage with other students, the more you'll get out of your online education.

The Challenges of Online Learning

The following are just some of the challenges that students often face when pursuing an online education and how you can overcome them:

  • It can be difficult to manage your time - When you don't have a set classroom schedule, it can be challenging to find time to study and complete coursework. Figure out when the best time is for you to sit down and study or do your work every day, then create a weekly calendar. When you have a schedule that you stick to, you won't be as likely to wait until the last minute to do your work. There are many scheduling apps out there that allow you to set reminders for your assignments as well, which can be very helpful.
  • It can be difficult to find motivation - The freedom to do your online coursework whenever you want to can be extremely beneficial, but it can be a drawback as well. If you get distracted by something else, it can be easy to convince yourself to put off studying or working until a later time. Create a routine to stick to. If you're studying and doing coursework at random times, it's easier to put it off. Establishing a routine will get you used to doing work at specific times. Also, keep your eyes on the prize. Remember why you're taking online classes to begin with.
  • Teacher responses aren't immediate - If you have a question, you can't just raise your hand, you'll have to email your teacher, which means you may not get a response right away. Because of this, make sure you start your work well ahead of any deadlines so that you don't have to wait until it's too late to get an answer to a question. Most instructors work hard to answer students' questions in a timely fashion. Some schools even offer live chat where students can chat with an instructor in real time.
  • Technological issues can come up - Even if you're using a high-quality computer and have a fast internet connection at home, it doesn't mean you won't run into technical issues. If you're having technical issues with the course, contact the teacher right away. Take screenshots if any error messages pop up as proof. Additionally, don't wait until the last minute to do your work. Give yourself plenty of time so that a technical issue doesn't end up making you miss a deadline.

Online learning offers much more flexibility than traditional in-classroom learning, but that doesn't mean it doesn't come with its own challenges. Use these tips to make online learning easier.

Tips for Online Learning Success and How to Overcome Challenges

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