Why Technology Students Should Blog

Why Technology Students Should Blog

Blogging has become such a popular hobby in our culture just about everyone runs a blog. But why should technology students keep one? Although many people associate blogging only with writing, there are many benefits to be had for technology students looking to become technology professionals. Here are just some of the many reasons why technology students should keep a blog.

Blogging Creates a Positive Digital Footprint for Students

When a prospective employer googles your name, what are they going to find? If you had a blog with your information on it, it would most likely be at the top of the search results. An employer who wants to learn about you will then see you blog instead of links to a web forum you frequented when you were a teenager or your old Myspace account.

A Blog Can Be Used as Your Personal Website

If you're a web development student you will want to build your own website to show off your skills, but if you don't work with websites specifically, you still want to have a home on the internet. Using a blog from a client such as WordPress, you could create a personal website for yourself for little to no cost. When it comes time to apply for a job, you'll be able to put in your own URL when they ask for a website.

Blogging Helps Hone Communication and Written Skills

Every technology student needs to be able to communicate their ideas clearly, verbally and in writing. A blog gives you a chance to develop your communication skills while you're still learning. It also shows your employers that you can clearly and effectively write instructions or discuss a concept.

You can use Your Blog to Help You Reflect

College can be difficult. Sometimes a project or lesson just sticks in your head and you can't figure it out. That's why you need a space to write it all down. Being able to reflect on your school work can help you to master the material. It also helps to record your triumphs and analyze what went right for you and how to replicate this.

You will have a Blog-Length Record of your Growth

When you blog about your school work and individual projects, an amazing thing happens. You get a record of your growth. As you learn more and more concepts that stumped you a year ago will seem simple in comparison to what you know now. Also, sometimes reading over your words can help you see how far you've come and how far you still need to go.

Blogging Can Add a Level of Professionalism

When looking for a job in the technology industry you want to stand out from the crowd. Having your own website can speak volumes about your professionalism alone. But having quality content can say even more. Blogging shows you are not just passingly interested in your field of study but dedicated enough to think and write about it in your own time.

How do I Keep a Blog?

If you want to start blogging you might be wondering where to start. The best part about a blog is that it's yours and you can use your creativity and voice to make it truly your own. Here are some post ideas to help jumpstart your planning:

  • Instructional posts – use pictures and text to teach someone how to accomplish a task. It could be fixing a household object or finding a bug in code.
  • Informational posts – find a topic that really fascinates you and research it. Write about major figures in the field, inventions that changed how things were done, or any other aspect that catches your eye.
  • Personal posts – although you might be building robots, you're not one yourself. Use your blog to discuss your learning process as well as what you think and feel about the industry you're studying.
  • Review posts – each industry in the technology field comes with toys. How do they stack up? What do you like or dislike about them? Share your thoughts on your blog.

Points to Remember When Blogging

Blogs are a great educational tool and can be very helpful in boosting a digital profile. But you need to be careful of some aspects. Here are a few things to look out for when blogging.

  • Images – you can use just about any image for educational blogs as long as you cite the original poster.
  • Privacy – remember; anyone with an internet connection can read your blog. Don't post sensitive materials you would uncomfortable if certain people saw.
  • Professionalism – if you want to show this blog to employers, remember to remain professional at all times. This includes the comments section, even when a commenter is not being very professional to you.
  •  Design – it's important that your blog is easy to read and enjoyable to look at. Even if you're not a visual person or your field has nothing to do with graphic design, there's no point in keeping a blog if it gives the reader eye strain so no one can actually read it.

Why Technology Students Should Blog

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