Successful Online Learning Strategies

Successful Online Learning Strategies

There’s no question that online learning has revolutionized the way we study. Before, students had to be physically present in the classroom to learn a new skill or earn a bachelor’s degree. Of course, correspondence courses already existed before the internet even became popular, but their impact is nowhere near as significant.

It’s easy to see why online learning is embraced all over the world. It allows people with busy schedules to get certifications and the credentials they need to improve their résumés. It removes the traditional structured environment to let people learn at their own pace. It removes the pressure people often feel when they see classmates advance faster than they do. Simply put, it’s convenient.

However, the freedom that online learning brings its downsides. Because the setup is not as rigid as that found in the classroom, online learners tend to get distracted and mismanage their time. They find themselves desperately cramming as deadlines loom closer.

Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this trap. If you’re an online learner (or planning to be one), here are strategies you can try for effective time management.

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Identify your learning style

What kind of learner are you? Are you visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or tactile? Are you a mix of two or more of these styles? Once you confirm how you learn best, it’s just a matter of asking the teacher for references and looking for resources that suit your style.

For example, if you are an auditory learner, you’re better off with listening to podcasts and audio books than working your way through readings. If you’re a kinesthetic learner, you’ll find it faster to learn from watching instructional videos rather than listening to a recording of your instructor’s lecture.

Prepare a weekly schedule

As tempting as it is to put off work until later, it will be easier for you and your stress levels if you divide your work into manageable blocks. It’s overwhelming to do this for the whole term right from the get-go especially if there’s a big project due at the end, so plan it one week at a time.

Make a schedule for each day of the week by allotting a fixed number of hours per course, and more importantly, stick to it. Then on the weekend, create another schedule for the following week. In this way, you’ll be able to use all the time allotted to you, instead of trying to squeeze in a month’s worth of steady effort into one panic-filled night.

Engage with the class

Online learning can get boring when you make it a solitary journey, so better participate in online discussions, as well as exchange ideas with your classmates and instructor. Many of these discussions are bound to be graded anyway, but even when they aren’t, it’s still a good idea to engage.

 By taking part in conversations with other people who have similar goals as yours, you may end up learning more than what you would have learned by yourself. It also opens up your eyes to other perspectives, which is an important element of understanding a topic. And of course, it’s less dull and lonely when actively learning with others.

Avoid distractions

It’s easier said than done, but there are practical ways to help you get rid of distractions long as you have the determination. While studying, switch off notifications from your social media apps so that you won’t be sidetracked by a message from a friend. If you don’t need your phone to study, better stash it away from you – farther than an arm’s reach.

On your laptop, temporarily block websites that you know are a time suck for you while studying. Of course, you can always unblock those websites and grab your smartphone, but the time it takes for you to do so should be enough to make you think twice about ruining your schedule.

Set up a reward system

To make online learning more fun, reward yourself for achievements instead of punishing yourself for failures. For example, buy those tickets to a concert you want to see only if you were able to meet your targets for that week. Or allow yourself to have a five-minute break to check Instagram and Facebook if you’ve managed to work straight for half an hour. As you go along, your brain will associate studying with good things, motivating you to exert more effort.

Successful Online Learning Strategies

Are you interested in taking online classes? If you want to study health science, criminal justice, business, technology or more, consider ECPI University for your online education. For more information about these exciting degree programs, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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