Requirements to Be a Physical Therapist's Assistant

Requirements to Be a Physical Therapist Assistant

Physical therapy has earned its position in mainstream medicine thanks to its ability to restore, heal, and cure the body. Physical therapists will work with the patient to come up with a care plan that will either improve motion, restore limb function, or prevent disability. A PTA assists the physical therapist in delivering the diagnosed service to the patient.

What Exactly Does the Physical Therapist Assistant Do?

A typical day as a PTA will involve picking up prescribed plan for the physical therapist and identifying the client you will be working with. Your work will involve talking the client through the treatment plan or helping him or her handle the therapeutic exercise, do functional training, handle deep soft tissue massage and use other technologies like electrotherapy to achieve the desired goal.

Any notable response to the exercises or prescribed procedures goes into record, and it will be the PTA’s responsibility to give the therapists feedback either after a session or after a couple of sessions. Since you will always be interacting with the patients, you need to be highly patient and social to keep the client at ease while administering the therapy accurately.

How to Become a PTA

You will need an associate degree in physical therapy assisting to launch your career. A degree program accredited by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) will give you the needed credentials to work in the field.

Your training program will most likely cover areas such as kinesiology, anatomy, medical terminology and much more. As with any medical field, it is important to acquire hands-on experience. An externship while still in school could help you gain valuable experience in the field which you can add to your resume. 

Get a License

Eligibility for the license will vary from one state to another. Nonetheless, you will either need to pass a state issued exam or the National Physical Therapy Exam. Apart from this, you will need continuing education credits to maintain your license and up your skills.

Find Work as a PTA

PTAs can work in a variety of settings, wherever patients are in need of mobility therapy. PTA is often associated with athletic injuries, elder care, and so much more. Here are a few of the common medical environments where PTAs can be found: 

  • Working with physical, speech and occupational therapists
  • Hospitals and healthcare centers
  • Nursing homes
  • At physicians’ office
  • Home healthcare services
  • Orthopedic clinics and acute hospitals

Find Your Niche 

Even though specialization isn’t mandatory, it can help you get your name out there. If you are an expert in a niche market, patients will come to you. You can choose to specialize in a clinical field and only handle therapy conditions related to that. APTA offers specializations in 7 fields that include neuromuscular, cardiovascular, aquatic, and pediatric physical therapy.

You will need at least five years of work experience and continued education credits to attract APTA’s attention. Your specialty only comes after you have submitted proof of contribution to the profession and after a couple of reputable references endorse your skills.

Requirements to Be a Physical Therapist's Assistant

Do you think you have what it takes to become a physical therapist assistant? If you are interested in earning an Associate of Applied Science in Physical Therapist Assisting consider ECPI University for the educational background you need. With an accelerated schedule and year-round classes you could earn your degree in as little as 15 months. For more information, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

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