Mobile Development: Jobs for Bachelor Graduates

Mobile Development: Jobs for Bachelor Graduates

People don't use computers anymore. Well of course, we do. But the computing device of our day isn't called a "computer" anymore. It's called a "phone." And mobile app developers are the ones who keep them full of available games and applications.

The phrase "app" itself is a product of the late 2000s tech boom and it specifically coincides with Apple launching the first App Store in 2008. At launch, the entire catalog of apps comprised of just over 500. As of Q1 2018 -- ten years later -- the Apple App Store has just shy of 2 million unique apps, while Android's Google Play catalog boasts an app count of about 3.8 million.

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Suffice to say; the demand for mobile apps and mobile content, in general, is unlikely to wane for a long time to come. Somebody has to program all these new apps. That somebody can be you if you pursue a career in mobile application software development.

Various unique jobs and career paths are available for those who know how to write code for mobile devices. Here are just a few of the possible job types you may pursue with a mobile development bachelor degree:

  • Native mobile app developer: Native apps are programmed specifically to work on a particular platform, or ecosystem. Companies choosing to release native mobile apps are usually serious about their product as the costs involved are considerable.
  • Mobile web-app developer: The more affordable, yet still quite popular, choice in mobile app development is to create web-based apps which can be quickly, easily, and efficiently ported onto multiple platforms with a single codebase.
  • Mobile game developer: Program immersive environments, characters, and storylines or a simple, yet addictive puzzle game. As long as there's bus stops, fast food lines, or waiting rooms, there will be mobile games.
  • Mobile app project management: Perhaps you see yourself more as an executive or business development role player. As a software development project manager, your job is to coordinate the entire development effort such that timelines are kept and feature releases continue to ship on time.

You might leverage your mobile development skills to develop and market your own mobile apps, or mobile websites. This opens up possibilities of limitless entrepreneurial success. It all starts with learning how to write code for today's modern devices.

How Games are Evolving in Current Use

In decades past, once an app shipped, it was essentially complete. If anything, there were perhaps yearly version upgrade releases that users could optionally buy. Today's software continues to evolve even after the end user purchases it. In fact, in many cases, users aren't buying a specific version of your software, but rather they subscribe to your SAAS (software as a service) offering.

This constant evolution approach is true of many of the world's most popular mobile apps. Consider Facebook, Netflix, Snapchat and Twitter. Each is constantly being updated, revised, and improved. This means that developers are constantly working on and reworking the code for any given app, continuously.

For every new mobile application released and adopted, another team of developers are put to full-time work on maintaining and updating that particular app. Another incredible perk of becoming a developer of any kind is the ability it grants you to work remotely.

Suffice it to say, there's intense demand for mobile app developers and that's not likely to change anytime soon. The best way to position yourself for a fruitful career in mobile app development is to pursue formal education in that industry.

Mobile Development: Jobs for Bachelor Graduates

Are you interested in mobile app development? Do you want to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Software Development - Mobile Development Track? If so, ECPI University offers this program at an accelerated rate. For more information, connect with a helpful admissions advisor today.

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Gainful Employment Information – Mobile Development Track – Bachelor's

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