Masters Degree in Cyber Security Online: What Differences Can I Expect?

Masters Degree in Cyber Security Online: What Differences Can I Expect?

Cyber-attacks are increasing, and both big and small companies are turning to cybersecurity experts to protect their data from hackers. This has increased the demand for cybersecurity professionals. In fact, the demand for these professionals is estimated to reach over 6 million by 2019. However, there aren’t nearly enough qualified workers to meet the high demand. With such a demand for highly educated professionals, candidates with a bachelor’s degree are sometimes able to choose where they want to work. If you think that’s nice, consider professionals with master’s degrees.

3 Reasons Why You Should Pursue a Master’s Degree in Cyber Security

Job security: If there was ever a better time to join the cybersecurity field, it’s now. Every day cyber threats and attacks are increasing, and the demand for cybersecurity experts has outpaced the supply by far. However, more than 80 percent of job positions require at least a bachelor’s degree while many want cybersecurity professionals with advanced degrees. If you spend some of your time and money to further your education, there could be lots of cybersecurity job opportunities waiting for you.

Acquire leadership skills: Cybersecurity bachelor’s degree programs don’t often provide managerial training or teach leadership skills. However, a master’s degree program will expose you to important business tools, and you will learn how to manage a team. These are important skills if you want to advance to a senior position.

Availability of flexible degree programs: Most people planning to pursue their master’s degree in cybersecurity are often holding full-time jobs and juggling family obligations. Fortunately, you can obtain a master’s degree online. Today there are many universities that offer online options which can either be a hybrid or 100% online degree program. Online learning programs also have several benefits for students, for instance, you can easily access the best online cybersecurity universities, programs and professors despite your physical location, and you interact with other students from around the world.

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Is Classroom Instruction Different From Online Instruction?

While online learning and traditional on-campus classes may seem worlds apart, they have several similarities. Both types of learning will require you to glean information from instructors and to study resource materials. The advancement in technology has also made it possible for online students to participate in discussions.

In both types of learning, learners rely on instruction. In some online programs, students can view and listen to a teacher’s lecture that was presented to a traditional classroom. Sometimes, the lectures provided are live while others are prerecorded, and this enables distance learners to view materials at their own pace. Other cybersecurity online degree programs allow one on one interaction of teachers and students without classroom lectures. However, in both traditional and online learning programs, students are required to interact with teachers and to learn from their instruction.

Reading is Compulsory in Online Learning

Most people often overlook this truth. In online courses, up to 100% of classroom materials entail assigned reading. This isn’t the case in a traditional classroom setting which relies heavily on face-to-face interaction and lectures. Therefore, if you struggle reading on your own, then you may struggle in an online classroom.

Online Learning Requires Writing Skills

In a traditional learning program, writing skills are just one of the tools used to communicate. While writing skills are important, they often complement other forms of communication. If you aren’t a solid writer, you can compensate with other forms of communication in traditional classrooms such as in-person dialog and presentations. However, with online learning, the bulk of class communication and assignments are written. This means that writing skills are paramount for success. Writing skills are also important for interacting with other students and your professors. Therefore, if you are unable to write eloquently what you need or what you don’t understand, you will waste time over ambiguities and miscommunication.

Networking Differs in the Two Settings

Although traditional learning programs offer opportunities to network with other students, online learning programs contain students from around the world. If it’s easier for you to network face-to-face, you will prefer the traditional classroom setting. However, the advantages of networking with students from all over the world make online learning programs dynamic.

How to Determine if Online Education is Right for You

For you to learn effectively in an online program, you should be:

  • Self-disciplined and budget your time effectively
  • Self-motivated and accept responsibility for your learning
  • Communicate well in writing
  • Willing to contact your instructor when you have questions regarding your cybersecurity course
  • Comfortable with technology

Masters Degree in Cyber Security Online: What Differences Can I Expect?

Are you interested in earning a cyber security degree online? If you are ready to earn your Master of Science in Cybersecurity, consider ECPI University Online for your degree program. With accelerated programs, you could earn your master’s in as little as 15 months. For more information, connect with a helpful admissions counselor today.

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