Is Web Dev Hard Online: How to Tell if an Online Degree Program is Right For You

Is Web Dev Hard Online: How to Tell if an Online Degree Program is Right For You

No doubt that society has accepted the internet as a way of life and with it, web design. Majority of businesses today have an online presence and more people than ever before have access to the internet across the world. In this digital age, web developers play a critical role in creating and maintaining the infrastructure of our society.

As of 2019, there are approximately 1.94 billion websites in the world touching almost every aspect of our daily routines and many more being launched right now. It is no surprise then that demand for web developers is through the roof. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that demand for web developers is projected to grow by 15%, which is above the national average for all occupations through 2026.

If you are looking to become a web developer, there has never been a better time. However, with there being so many channels to help you learn web development, a formal online degree might just be the best option for you. Not sure? Let us explore.

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What is Web Development?

Without being too technical, web development is a term that encompasses the practice of building and maintaining websites hosted on the internet. In essence, web developers create web pages and applications. The process of creating a website requires the web developers to collect content such as images, text, and videos as well as to create a web layout that will shape how it users will navigate.

The developers then code the web pages and test the site to ensure that it performs as expected and that the users will get an optimal experience. Additionally, some developers might administer content management systems and maintain databases depending on the scope of their responsibilities. Finally, some aspect of this career path also involves assisting clients with technical issues and providing customer service.

This is a wide field of study covering many areas that all encourage creativity and critical thinking. If you are the kind of person that is fascinated by technology and enjoys a challenge, this might be the career path for you.

What Is It Like to Study Web Dev Online?

Being a web-based profession, it makes sense that you might want to earn a web development degree online. Even if you are a digital native, the more practice and experience you have with the internet and different software platforms, the better.

Studying web development online could be just what you’re looking for if you want fast, responsive feedback and the ability to work at your own pace as you plan your work, home, and family life. There will still be papers, tests, and quizzes, like any school, of course.

Benefits of Taking Your Degree Online

Earning a degree at your pace and at the comfort of wherever you might be is a dream come true for busy families and people who are already working. Here are some of the many benefits this option offers to learners.

Flexibility. Understandably, this is the top reason why people choose the online option. Having that you can access your course work whenever you like, wherever you are is very liberating for people under tight schedules.

Cost savings. This benefit is intertwined with flexibility. The fact that you do not have to commute, rent a place to live away from home or have to ask for a study break from work could save you lots of money. While working and studying at the same time might seem a challenge, the convenience of being able to study from wherever you are and at whatever time you choose saves you a great deal of pressure.

Freedom of Choice. Studying online means that you are not bound by physical distances. You can choose to study from any university in the United States, at the comfort of your living room. Lots of people opt for online education when the closest colleges and universities to them don’t have the programs they’re looking for.

What is the Importance of Formal Education to a Web Developer?

There are numerous ways you can learn web development including learning by yourself over the internet. The choice of which path to use is dependent on what you want out of your career and how far you wish to advance in the field. It is all up to you.

However, it is important to note that employers now are looking for people who can do more than just code and create beautiful websites. They want people who will integrate into their business structure and contribute to it moving forward. While you can learn on your own how to code, create and maintain websites, formal education offers the complete web development curriculum as well as other real-world skills relevant in today’s job market.

Some of the additional skills you learn include business communication, project management, legalities of online security and management skills. Having a degree also lays a firm foundation if you wish to advance your career. It also could earn you recognition from other professionals which makes you stand out above other candidates when looking for a job.

Are You Interested in Starting Your Web Dev Journey?

If you are fascinated by websites and have ever decided to do business with someone based on their beautifully functional website, you might be a perfect candidate for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Software Development - Web Design and Development Track at ECPI University. Our accelerated online program combines all the technical expertise with real-world skills that will help you stand out in the job market. Connect with our helpful admissions counsellors today to learn more.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

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