Information Systems Degree Description: Am I Cut Out For a Masters?

Information Systems Degree Description: Am I Cut Out For a Masters?

Now that you have your degree in Information Systems what more can you do with it? Do you have a lot of academic knowledge in IT and would want to apply it in a specific context? A master of information systems (MIS) can be the perfect opportunity to do so. The master’s degree in information systems won’t only widen your perspective in this field, but could also help you to apply your IT knowledge in real-life situations.

With this degree, you might specialize in planning, managing, and implementation of brand-new information systems. Because this degree is multidisciplinary and is often combined with a business aspect, you will develop managerial skills and learn how you can use your knowledge in a business context. A Master in Information Systems could help you achieve the perfect blend of both theoretical and experiential learning.

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What Does a Master’s Degree in Information Systems Entail?

A master’s degree in information systems could enable you to leverage your knowledge of technology, people, and data as you advance your career. You will also learn how to manage information systems infrastructure, assess the existing and emerging technologies, and come up with a strategy that can align technology with the objectives of businesses. You will have the responsibility of analyzing IT project management processes and policies that seek to optimize and innovate.

3 Signs you’re ready to earn a Master’s Degree in Information Systems

You want to advance your career: If you’re facing a pay or advancement ceiling and you want a better employment opportunity, earning a master’s degree might be the best decision. Recent research by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that graduates of master’s programs have a higher median earning, low unemployment rates, and more likely to get promoted than those with bachelor’s degrees.

You know where you want to go with it: Knowing what you want to study is one thing and knowing where you want to go with it, in the end, is another. The desire to pursue your master’s degree in information systems isn’t enough; you need to rethink your objective. In case you’re unsure, dig deeper into the field and contact academic advisers that will help you figure out what you can do with your master’s after graduation.

You’re ready for the academic challenge: Have you been ought of school for more than a year? The coursework and pace of school may catch you off-guard. Sometimes even students who proceed to a master’s degree right after undergrad school have problems adjusting. Readings, assignments and academic expectation for graduate classes are more challenging. In an undergraduate degree, students can stay in school with an average of C or higher, but many graduate schools seldom allow students to complete their studies if they fail to maintain an average of a B in each of their classes. This means that classes with lower grades will need to be retaken.

Skills and Qualities to Help you Succeed in this Field and in Your Master’s Degree Program

Attention to detail: Even the slightest mistakes can affect how a program runs. Therefore, you must pay close attention to detail and ensure that everything works correctly and efficiently.

Excellent communication skills: Soft skills of written and verbal communication are increasingly important, especially because non-techies rely on technological tools and equipment to conduct their everyday business. Understanding the needs of your clients and meeting them depends heavily on open communication.

Strong analytical skills: Managers in Information Systems have excellent analytical skills that can help solve problems and develop new ideas.

Be able to multitask: Because you will be working with computers, you need to be able to multitask and manage all your responsibilities simultaneously. Therefore, time management skills are equally important.

Commitment to learning: Technology is dynamic and changing every time, which means being up-to-date with the latest developments in this field is important for you to become more successful.

Integrating data and draw up concepts: Being able to integrate scattered data takes some skill. After you develop this skill, you will have an easy time developing concepts that will guide you throughout your research. Concept building requires advanced thinking skills such as analyzing and evaluating different tasks on a given phenomenon.

Information Systems Degree Description: Am I Cut Out For a Masters?


Do you think you’re ready to take the next step in your IT career? If you want to earn a Master of Science Degree in Information Systems, ECPI University offers this program online and on campus. For more information about our accelerated courses, connect with a friendly admissions advisor today.

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