How Long Does it Take to Become a Mobile App Developer?

How Long Does it Take to Become a Mobile Application Developer?

Mobile app development is a rapid-fire business, one that undergoes constant changes. Apps like Snapchat and can turn into properties worth billions of dollars

It's an exciting industry for sure, and one that is only going to keep growing. Software development is a rapidly growing industry; according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of software development jobs is expected to increase by 24% by 2026, a rate much faster than average.

Mobile apps are a driving force in the world of software development; in 2016, worldwide mobile app downloads increased by 15% compared to the year before, and mobile app usage increased by 25%. If you want to get into app development, there's never been a better time. That might make you wonder: how long does it take to become a mobile app developer? The answer depends on the route you take.

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Traditional schools vs. accelerated schools

It's never too early to begin learn about software development and launch your career. If you know little about app development but are interested in it as a career option, going to school and getting a Computer Information Science bachelor's degree is your best bet. No matter your knowledge level in the field today, once you finish your degree you will have the knowledge and skills to launch your career in mobile app development.

Getting a traditional 4-year degree is a perfectly good way to begin your career. However, you might also be itching to jump-start your career sooner. Mobile app development isn't just a quickly-growing field, it's also a lucrative one; according to the BLS, the median yearly salary for software developers in $100,080. If making money sooner is your priority, you might want to consider enrolling in an accelerated school.

Why enroll in an accelerated program?

A traditional 4-year program operates with the usual long breaks in the summer and winter; for many, these breaks are a perk, not a problem. However, if getting your degree done as soon as possible is your priority, accelerated schools with year-round schedules will get you to graduation much faster. At an accelerated school, you can finish your degree in just 2.5 years. That year-and-a-half could make a big difference for your bank account; even at an entry-level salary in mobile app development, those 18 months could mean a great deal of difference in income in those formative months.

In a quickly moving field, time is of the essence

The sheer rapidness with which mobile app development can change means that the sooner you get your foot in the door, the sooner you could reap the rewards of being in a field with high salaries and skyrocketing job growth.

And getting there will take time; in addition to getting your degree, you will also want to get third-party certifications, which help potential employers know that you have specific and highly useful knowledge and skills. If getting into the field as soon as you can is important to you, then enrolling in an accelerated program might just be the right decision.

How Long Does it Take to Become a Mobile App Developer?

Are you interested in the world of mobile app development? If you want to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Software Development - Mobile Development Track, consider ECPI University for your education. With accelerated courses and a year-round schedule, you could go from zero to bachelors in as little as 2.5 years. For more information, connect with an admissions advisor today.

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Gainful Employment Information – Mobile Development  Track – Bachelor's

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