How do You Become a Detective?

How do You Become a Detective?

A police detective is an extraordinary individual who is responsible for solving the most baffling crimes that are reported to departments. A very specialized background is required for those who will take on these tough cases. While the life of a police detective is not as glamorous as you see on television, it is nonetheless a rewarding occupation that gives you the opportunity to make sure that justice is served.

Requirements To Become A Detective

Not everyone can be a detective. In order to become a detective for a police department, you must first meet the stringent requirements to become a law enforcement officer. These include:

  • At least 21 years of age
  • Driver's License in good standing
  • Clean criminal record (no felonies or misdemeanor domestic violence)
  • High school diploma or GED
  • Some college or study in criminal justice
  • A high degree of physical fitness
  • Graduation from a police academy

For candidates who are not yet 21 years of age, positions in the U.S. military police may be a good preparation for eventual employment in the police force as they accept enlisted service members between the ages of 18-21. In general, a military background is helpful when applying for a position in the police department but is not required. Even when these minimum requirements are met, an officer may need several years of experience and time to work their way up the ranks before they can apply to become a detective.

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Qualities of a Good Detective

While exceptional deductive reasoning is one of the most famous qualities of a good detective, it is hardly the only one. Superior communications skills are paramount, as is the ability to control emotions and remain objective. Honesty and strong ethical fortitude are required, as a detective is always under scrutiny during an investigation. Patience and perseverance are essential as investigations can take years and have many dead ends.

Critical thinking and problem solving are just as important as knowledge of the law, but the ability to adhere to the proper procedure may be the most important of all. One of the most underrated qualities of an effective detective is empathy, even for criminals and violent offenders. the ability to build rapport with suspects and witnesses can mean the difference between a closed case and years of frustration.

Duties of a Detective

Working as a police detective will expose you to the rigors of a demanding occupation that requires long hours and high degrees of stress. Typical duties may call for investigating crime scenes, interviewing suspects and witnesses, gathering/documenting evidence, and engaging in surveillance of suspicious activities.

Research into the backgrounds of suspect and witnesses may be more time consuming than any other activity, and the amount of paperwork and written statements required to build a case is immense. Detectives may also need to intervene in violent conflicts, arrest suspects, and protect individuals who enter their custody. If all their investigative efforts are successful, they are regularly asked to testify in court in addition to keeping up with their regular daily duties.

Educational Background of a Successful Detective

Virtually all law enforcement agencies require their detective candidates to pass a competitive exam to become a full detective, and only the top scorers will be considered for these positions. With this in mind, a rigorous course of study in criminal justice is required for anyone who is serious about becoming a detective. Such a course of study will include courses in the following subjects:

  • Criminology
  • Forensic Science
  • Law
  • Ethics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Communications

A Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice is a good stepping-stone for candidates who want to attain a top score in the detective's exam, as it covers all of the fundamental knowledge that a detective is expected to know. It can also be helpful during the employment process when seeking out an entry-level position as a police officer.

How do You Become a Detective?

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Are you considering a career in law enforcement? If you want to earn your Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, consider ECPI University for the education you’ll need to make a difference. With year-round classes and an accelerated schedule, you might not have to wait 4 years before earning your diploma. For more information, connect with a friendly ECPI University admissions representative today.

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