College degrees are valuable in today’s economy. While some industries (like nursing) understandably require a degree, others (like cybersecurity analyst) may accept equivalent experience. While experience is important, being able to demonstrate your qualifications quickly and easily with a degree is a huge advantage in any industry. Just earning a degree could improve your chances of finding work in your field, as it sums up your qualifications at a glance.
The Value of a College Degree
Earning a college degree could be beneficial in several ways—some of which may surprise you. Most people think a college degree is only useful for twenty-somethings right out of high school. But a college degree could benefit anyone, at any stage of life. Working full-time, raising a family, starting a business, running a side hustle; a college degree could benefit every aspect of your life.
Beyond the educational, academic, and professional benefits, a college degree could do wonders for your confidence and self-esteem personally. In fact, studies show that 94% of people with bachelor’s degrees reported feeling happy with their lives. A bachelor’s degree does more than provide industry knowledge—it also works to produce a more well-rounded person.
College graduates may develop more effective communication skills, learn to behave professionally, and build crucial research and critical thinking habits. In addition, the faculty, staff, and graduating class act as a foundation for an industry network. College graduates could learn their industry, develop professional skills, and build a network of industry professionals, all before landing their first role in the field.
And it doesn’t always have to take four whole years—some universities offer accelerated bachelor’s degrees you could earn in as little as 2.5 years.
Transferable Skills
College graduates could gain much more than academic knowledge from their education. Many skills developed during a bachelor’s degree program are easily transferable to the workplace. Some examples include:
- Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: Working through assignments and projects can help students develop critical thinking skills and encourage them to work through problems to find solutions. These skills are highly valuable not just in the workplace, but in life.
- Research & Analysis: Studying for class, drafting papers, and completing lab assignments could help students sharpen and hone their research and analysis skills. The ability to teach yourself new things through research, as well as the ability to analyze situations thoughtfully would serve any employee well.
- Communication: Clearly conveying concepts and ideas is important in any workplace. Strong communication skills also encompass active listening—you never know where the next great idea will come from.
- Time Management: Completing homework, studying for assignments, and attending classes (either virtually or on campus) all develop strong time management skills, which are essential for any industry and role.
- Teamwork & Leadership: Working in group projects or with a study group could impart valuable teamwork and leadership skills. No worker exists in a vacuum, so you can bet these skills will come in handy after graduation.
- Adaptability: College can throw a lot of changes at students. Adapting to an unfamiliar environment and taking on new academic challenges can help students become more flexible and able to handle new situations and obstacles.
Critical thinking, researching, communicating, managing time, working with teams, and adapting to change are inevitable in any work environment, and a college degree could help you prepare to meet these challenges with poise and confidence.
Professional Development
Earning a college degree could contribute significantly to your professional development in your field. Gaining foundational proficiency, industry knowledge, and practical expertise is just a small piece of your education. There are many ways to bolster your professional development while attending college.
Industry Certifications
You could take advantage of your time in college to focus and specialize on a unique aspect of your studies. This could take the form of a professional industry certification. Some colleges offer significant discount vouchers for students to earn certifications at a reduced cost. These certifications can go a long way towards proving your knowledge and expertise, as well as demonstrating your commitment to ongoing education in your field.
Explore Your Options
Many students change their major after starting a college degree program—and others find work in an industry other than their degree. One of the best advantages of earning a college degree is its versatility in opening doors. Whether you choose to pursue employment in your field of study is entirely up to you. The educational foundation laid by a college degree (and a bachelor’s degree in particular) is applicable to any industry or workplace and could expose you to more (and different) opportunities than you previously considered.
Hands-On Experience
One of the major benefits of earning a college degree could include graduating with tangible experience on your resume. Be sure to do your research before enrolling. You'll want to choose a college which teaches through hands-on exercises and emphasizes learning by doing. You could also gain valuable practice by completing an externship or work-study assignment.
Self-Esteem & Satisfaction
Completing college and earning a degree can be huge sources of self-esteem and personal fulfillment. Graduating college requires hard work, self-discipline, and perseverance. Achieving this goal is an accomplishment to celebrate! You may be surprised to find how much a college degree could mean to you after putting in the time, effort, and passion required to earn one.
Additional Educational Opportunities
Graduation can have unintended consequences: a passion for learning. Once you realize you can do it, you may want to push the limits and discover what else you could do. You may discover a new passion or talent. Many students earn an associate degree then return for a bachelor’s degree, then some even return for a master’s degree. The sky is the limit when you invest in your own mind!
Networking Opportunities
A college campus is a mini community. Your classmates, instructors, and advisors are all valuable resources for your present and future.
Groups & Clubs
Study groups could help you in class and out. Studies show that college students who engage in study groups perform better. You can find many opportunities to connect with others and help support one another’s goals. Extracurriculars are also a fantastic way to find and connect with like-minded individuals—you could even make some lifelong friends.
Build a Community
Treat your college courses as an opportunity to start building a professional network of colleagues. One of the most advantageous aspects of attending college is the opportunity for networking. Your classmates, instructors, and other alumni are all fair game—and you never know where (or who) an opportunity could come from.
Alumni Groups & Events
You may encounter other alumni before you graduate. Be sure to rub elbows with them as much as possible. Most colleges and universities have alumni groups for graduates, which can help former students stay connected, offer guidance, support, mentorship, and help each other find new opportunities.
Remember, your reputation matters in school and in the workplace, so treat everyone with kindness and respect.
What Are You Waiting For?
Earning a college degree has many benefits, regardless of your stage in life. Aside from the purely educational reasons to earn a degree, you could increase your sense of confidence and self-worth in the workplace; increase your professional network and opportunities; and improve your intrapersonal soft skills such as communication.
ECPI University offers accelerated degree programs for learners of all ages. We offer classes online or on campus. Sign up for mornings, evenings, or weekends. And do not forget to check out our professional certification discounts. Where else could you earn a bachelor’s degree in as little as 2.5 years? ECPI University could be the BEST Decision You Ever Make!
DISCLAIMER - ECPI University makes no claim, warranty, or guarantee as to actual employability or earning potential to current, past or future students or graduates of any educational program we offer. The ECPI University website is published for informational purposes only. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contained on the ECPI.edu domain; however, no warranty of accuracy is made. No contractual rights, either expressed or implied, are created by its content.