How Can I Stop Hackers?: Becoming a Cybersecurity Student

How Can I Stop Hackers?: Becoming a Cybersecurity Student

Hackers are part of a cybersecurity problem that urgently needs to be addressed. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, hackers with nefarious intentions are lurking in the darkest corners of the internet, plotting to steal information and money, and disrupt the delivery of essential services.

The challenge is stopping them. Thankfully, there is a smart and talented group of people who stand between hackers and the networks they attempt (repeatedly) to infiltrate. They work for government agencies, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. They are on the front lines in the battle to protect online information. And they are in high demand (according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).

They are cybersecurity professionals, and you can join their ranks. Becoming a cybersecurity professional requires knowledge, a specific set of skills, and the ability to think critically in order to develop innovative ways to stop hackers in their tracks. Here's a look at how you can break into this exciting and growing field:

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Start with school

As you can imagine, the cybersecurity industry changes like the weather. Every day, hackers introduce new internet worms, bot net attacks and frauds designed to infiltrate networks across the country. As soon as a solution is found for one attack, another threat quickly emerges.

That's why it's important to have a deep understanding of how networks are built, secured, and protected. You'll also want to have the ability to analyze the needs of organizations (whether they use Windows, Cisco, or Linux) and then design, interpret, and assess network security requirements.

Get real-world experience

Classroom learning is important. It helps you build your vocabulary, understand security theories and philosophies, and become familiar with the way networks are built. What it won't do is allow you to gain real-world experience.

For that, you'll need to find opportunities to practice in a controlled, real-world environment. You'll want to practice creating and building secure networks using the same systems used in workplaces across the country.

You'll want to be allowed to make mistakes without putting people's personal and financial data at risk. You'll want to be able to ask your instructors questions. You'll want to practice protecting networks against the latest security threats.

Putting your knowledge to the test in a controlled, real-world environment (without having to worry about costing companies millions of dollars) is one of the best ways to prepare you for success as a cybersecurity professional.

Build your own network

Even though cybersecurity professionals are in high demand, the competition for jobs can be fierce. That's why it's important for you to build your own professional network of people who are connected to the industry, knowledgeable about emerging trends, and able to provide you with career advice.

Your instructors are a great resource--especially if they teach at a college or university that reinforces classroom learning with opportunities for hands-on learning. After all, they can't really prepare you for success in the real world if they are not connected to the industry and on top of current and emerging threats.

Your college or university's alumni are another great resource. Those who have already successfully earned their degrees and embarked on their careers are often willing to help other students at their alma maters.

Make sure you connect with your school's professors and alumni so you can begin to build your professional network as soon as possible. It will open wider the door of opportunity and give you more options once you've graduated.

How Can I Stop Hackers?: Becoming a Cybersecurity Student

Are you ready to join the effort?

The battle against hackers is real. It affects every industry, government organization and individual in the country.  And it is continuing to grow. Do you want to be a part of the elite group of individuals who stop it?

If so, you might want to start with formal education. ECPI University offers a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer and Information Science with a Major in Cyber and Network Security at an accelerated pace. For more information about this exciting program, connect with a friendly ECPI University admissions counselor today.

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