Getting started with MongoDB for database administratorsIf you're going to be a database administrator, you're going to want to know MongoDB.

Technically speaking, MongoDB is open-source software that is a cross-platform, document-oriented database. Unlike databases of the past, it uses JSON-esque documents to make integrating data in most applications easier and faster. 

In short, since it was first introduced back in 2009, MongoDB has become the go-to database software for innovators who dream big--and want to build even bigger databases. 

But if you're studying to become a database administrator, you already knew all that. 

Here's a look at some other things you're going to want to know about MongoDB:

1. MongoDB requires some TLC

Yes, MongoDB is incredibly easy to install and start using. Yes, it fits nicely and naturally into the developer paradigm. Yes, it's faster than your average relational database. 

But it still requires some tender loving care. 

As a database administrator, you're going to need a good schema, indexing strategy and the right hardware resources to make sure MongoDB continues meeting your needs. So make sure you spend some of your time in school learning about capacity planning, tuning, monitoring, and maintenance. Learning these MongoDB-related skills while you're in school will make you more effective once you graduate. 

2. You're going to want to monitor everything

You didn't go to school to become an "auto-pilot database administrator," did you? No, of course you didn't. You want to be engaged and actively monitoring and tracking your database's current capacity so you can anticipate what will be needed in the future. 

So make sure you learn how to monitor a MongoDB database and put together a plan for increasing its capacity in the future. 

3. You have to know when to shard

Like many database administrators, you will likely be tempted to begin the sharding process as soon as your MongoDB database begins to grow. Sharding entails breaking the database into many separate parts for easier management.

And as good as that sounds, you must resist the temptation. 

Many MongoDB users find that their databases are just as fast with a single replica set. If you find that your database is a little sluggish, it probably has more to do with your schema or incorrect indexes, neither of which will be fixed by sharding. 

4. Remember to flush written data to a disk

Flushing data files to disks helps keep your MongoDB database operating at peak performance. But if your disk is at 100 percent capacity, you won't be able to write any faster than you already are. The first step to ensuring that your database is effective and efficient is to remember to flush your data files to a disk. The second step may be to invest in faster disks. 

And don't forget: Everything you write needs to be flushed to a disk twice--once into the journal and every now and then into the data files. 

5. Replication does not equate to a backup

Any database administrator worth his or her salt knows all about the importance of backups. But not every database administrator fully understands the difference between replication and backup.

In short: Replication does not equate to a backup. 

The reason you want to back up your data is so you can easily restore the data in the event something terrible happens to your database. The reason replication is not backup is that replication cannot be protected from human error, which could include one of your colleagues dropping production data or deploying all of the wrong versions of an application code, which makes a mess out of some of your data. 

This may be the most important skill you learn in school that you hope to never use. But you do need to practice doing it. So practice backing up with MMS, and then practice restoring your production data from the backup. 

Your future self will surely thank you. 

6. You are responsible for security

MongoDB is a dynamite database, but it does not know everything about your needs. For example, it has absolutely no idea how secure you need the data to be. 

That's up to you. 

You should take steps to determine who needs what privileges when it comes to your database. Be careful about who you let access your data. And whatever you do, make sure to configure the security of your MongoDB database all by yourself. Take full responsibility for the security of your database and you will be less likely to face a security breach disaster down the road. 

Learn More about MongoDB at ECPI University

These are just a few things every database administrator should know about MongoDB. There is, of course, a lot more you probably need to know in order to fully harness the explosiveness of this technology. If you're interested in learning more, connect with ECPI University today to discuss the earning a Bachelor of Science in Computer and Information Science with a concentration in Database Programming. It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI's College of Technology TODAY!

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