ECPI University Alumni Event, October 2015

ECPI University Alumni Events Draw Enthusiastic Crowds

Wednesday evening is usually a pretty quiet time of the week, but not at ECPI University’s alumni social on October 21! Nearly 140 graduates and guests turned out to reconnect with classmates and faculty, and make new friends. Just a week earlier, ECPI University held a similar event in Newport News. It’s all part of a sustained effort to actively engage alumni and keep them involved in the life of their alma mater.

“In years past, there seemed to be a school of thought in the education sector that people who graduate from non-traditional schools are not especially interested in alumni activities, and we are clearly demonstrating that it is not the case,” says ECPI University Vice President of Student Development Maryse Levy. “For the traditional student, alumni engagement often involves sporting activities. Students who graduate from career-oriented schools still seek engagement, just in different ways.”

ECPI University's 360 Alumni Portal Helps Graduates

Levy points to ECPI University’s wildly-popular alumni portal, ecpi360alumni, which it launched just over a year ago. During that short time, it has drawn nearly 4,000 active users. The site allows alumni to scan job listings oriented toward the degree programs offered at ECPI University, join groups, talk online to other grads, and scan a variety of events and career fairs geared toward specific career paths. More and more, many of those events are being organized just for ECPI University alumni.

For instance, the University is hosting a webinar on November 6 about Negotiating Salary, and more than 100 people have already signed up. Alumni also work actively online to raise money for causes like the Student Assistance Fund and Interview Suit Fund. “People who attend ECPI University are very focused on their careers and professional development so we are trying to provide programming that reflects that mindset,” says Levy.

Criminal Justice graduate Athena Williams attended the most recent social in Virginia Beach and says it’s a great opportunity to network with other professionals.

“Networking is more than just hanging out, it’s a way we can support one another and advance our careers,” she says.

For Jay Meeker, who attended the same event, it’s a chance to give back.

“I want to stay connected to ECPI University,” he says. “I remember when I was a student; about two-thirds of the way through your program, you begin to drag a little bit. I want to come back to the classroom and share with students what I do now and offer them encouragement…show them that all the hard work is worth it.”

Sometimes, fellow alumni can be right around the corner and they don’t even know it. Says Levy, “We had two alums show up to one of our events and it turns out they work for the same company in the same location, but they had no idea they had each gone to ECPI!”

Levy says the response by alumni so far has been excellent and she encourages alumni to stay active. “We want to do a whole lot more, but whatever we do, it will be dependent on the response. If you see something you like on the alumni portal, get involved, get active, and we will support you!”

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