Computer and Information Systems Managers: Similar Professions

Computer and Information Systems Managers: Similar Professions

If you’re interested in earning a Master of Science in Information Science (MSIS) degree, you’re probably wondering what jobs require this level of education and skill. While the field of computer and information science is constantly evolving, this advanced degree could allow for a graduate to pursue many different interests and niches within the field. Let’s take a look at some of the roles a MSIS graduate could have.

Types of Jobs

Holding an MSIS degree and working in different fields can give you valuable experience you can apply to your next position. Let’s take a look at some of the positions a MSIS graduate is qualified to hold.


A master’s degree qualifies you to teach at the community college level and with lots of experiences behind you, your skills could come into use as you instruct the next generation of computer and information science graduates. It’s important to stay current in your field as you will not be teaching what you learned in college, but rather the latest and most innovative programming.

Health Information Technician

Healthcare is a rapidly growing field, and healthcare companies make use of complex information systems and reporting procedures to provide the best care to patients. You could be in charge of creating and implementing these systems and make sure they remain working properly while patients receive medical care.

Database Administrator

Database Administration involves creating filing and storage systems for business which are protected against unauthorized access. Holding an MSIS degree in this profession might allow you to go on to become a computer security specialist.

Management Consultant

You could also work on a per-project basis for multiple companies serving as a consultant. This position requires that you make recommendations to improve their information systems and bolster productivity. Having a variety of experience with different types of companies and systems can come in handy here, as you could be able to work for more clients.

Mobile App Developer

With an information systems degree you could oversee the development, testing, and roll out of a new application for mobile and tablet. 

IT Consultant

Start-ups and fortune 500 companies all over the world utilize IT consultants to research the latest IT technologies and figure out how to use them for maximizing productivity and profit.

Cloud Architect

Cloud computing is the next step in the evolution of the internet as we know it today. Every day, thousands of cloud architects go to work organizing new ways to keep information safe in the cloud, and constructing ever-expanding databases to hold all the data.

Systems Analyst

Nearly every company makes use of computers and digital networks to store information. As an analyst, you will be responsible for optimizing their systems and programs to operate more effectively.

Information Systems Manager

This position takes time and experience to reach. You could start by becoming a member of the information systems team, helping them integrate the latest technological innovations into the network. Establishing yourself as a smart and capable member of the team could help you eventually rise to a leadership position.

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief information officer is the leader of the information systems team. A CIO is responsible for forming the strategic plan which is to be carried out by the information systems team to reach company goals.

Skills and Qualities

No matter where you work, you’re going to need some basic skills and abilities to perform your job:

Project Management

You will be responsible for managing the construction and maintenance of entire information systems. In order to do so effectively, you need to be able to pay attention to several aspects of the project side by side.

Adaptive Strategizing

Oftentimes, a virus or malware can pose unexpected threats to the security of the system under your care. At such times, you will have to figure out a way to cope with the problem on the spot. Every kind of virus infection occurs under different circumstances, so you will have to use your presence of mind to deal with the problem.

A Curious Mind

New innovations are regularly taking place in the world of digital information systems. You will need to keep an eye on the latest developments in the field in order to stay ahead of the curve and ensure your skills remain relevant to the work you do. You must be willing and eager to learn new ways to do your job.

Communication Skills

You will have to often work in teams while constructing information systems. In order to do your job well, you need to be able to communicate effectively with other members of the team.

Computer and Information Systems Managers: Similar Professions

Could you see yourself in one of these exciting positions in the information systems field? If you think you have what it takes to earn a Master of Science in Information Systems, consider ECPI University for your education. With accelerated courses and a year-round schedule you could be graduating sooner and working that much faster. For more information on our program, contact a friendly admissions advisor today.

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