Best Practices of Web Development: How to Make Your Websites Stand Out

Best Practices of Web Design: How to Make Your Websites Stand Out

If you’re interested in web design, you probably already know the advantages of earning a bachelor’s degree in the subject. But do you know some of the best practices for making your websites stand out in a positive way? Here are some tips and tricks to helping your sites look professional and slick.

Best Practices for Website Design

Some of the best practices include:

  • Unique typography
  • Color theory
  • Keeping it simple
  • New forms of design
  • Content is king

Unique Typography

This branches off a bit into the design element over constructing websites. Having a unique font can help your page instantly stand out. It does take some early rendering and designing to construct the font before implementing it onto the page, but even a slight take on an old classic gives your page a fresh, new look. Just make sure to not completely go over the top, which can make it harder to read. Simple and elegant is the way to go.

Understand Color Theory

Color theory is more than just something for painters and artists. Color has a very specific impact on how the mind perceives it. Red, for example, is confident and in charge. It represents a touch of danger, and yet can cause someone to feel hungry (it is why most fast food restaurants use red).

Understanding color theory, how colors work together and how to combine colors for the greatest affect will help your website stand out. It also helps leave a lasting impression on those who visit it, often subconsciously.

Don't Overdo It

It’s easy to find examples of poor website design on the internet. Sometimes seeing distracting backgrounds, horrible color choices, and other amateurish mistakes can help you to realize what not to do. In web design, sometimes less is more.

Simplicity is a valuable asset when you know how to use it. A simple design can direct a visitor's attention to exactly the point you want. Whether it is an image, a video or some basic typography, a clean, simple interface is an excellent tool. It also makes your work easier.

Expose Yourself To Different Kinds of Design

As a web designer, you should never live inside of a box. You need to get out and find inspiration. The problem with most websites is the pages all look and feel the same. Designers become comfortable and complacent, so they do comfortable and complacent work.

If you want to be a great web designer you have to look for inspiration. You can take in different design trends online, but you can also take in imagery from nearly every other form of art. From how a product label is presented with photography, seek out different kinds of design, take notes and implement these aspects into future websites. You (and your clients) will appreciate a fresh take to each project.

Remember, Content is Always King

The phrase "content is king" has been around for a few years now. It also is not likely to go away anytime soon because the quality of content ultimately is what keeps visitors coming into your website. It also helps the site stand out. People are more likely to overlook a bland, ordinary website simply because of the quality content found on it.

They are more likely to do this than to simply stay on a beautiful page with inferior content that does not provide them with any real useful information. If you are producing the content, always keep this in mind. If you're designing for someone else, remind them the content they create dictates website quality.

How Education Can Help

While exposing yourself to different kinds of design is something anyone can do, an education in web design gives you the tools to produce just about anything on your website. This way, you can implement these design features into your page and improve visibility.

When it comes to landing web design jobs, having a beautiful and expansive portfolio is important, but it may not demonstrate you have all the necessary educational tools and knowledge employers might seek. A degree can validate your full range of skills to potential employers.

Best Practices of Web Development: How to Make Your Websites Stand Out

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