The Beginner's Guide to Massage Therapy Oils

The Beginner's Guide to Massage Therapy Oils

Massage therapy helps reduce stress, relieve pain, unwind bound-up muscles, and just make people feel better. As a massage therapy student you will gain knowledge on how to manipulate the muscles as well as soft tissue of your clients to achieve relaxation, improved health, and achieve any wellbeing goals your client might have. With numerous classes, you will learn about deep tissues, orthopedics, and sports massage, among other areas.

What are Essential Oils?

The term "essential oils" is commonly used, but what does it mean exactly? An essential oil is a scented liquid removed from plants or other items using steam or pressure. Essential oils are not only used in massage, but also in perfumes, medicines, and even food flavorings.

Important Facts about Massage Therapy Oils

To be a successful massage therapist, you must utilize numerous massage oils to ensure that you restore a sense of balance to body, mind, and the spirit of your clients. These oils can be floral, lavender is very popular, or even something out of the ordinary like baked apples.

It is essential that you choose the right massage oils for your customer. The sense of smell is incredibly powerful. The human body can distinguish more than 10,000 different scents. Research indicates that proper smell helps induce a relaxed mind, relieve stress, enhance the mood as well as support the immune system, circulatory system, and even respiratory health.

What does Science Say about Massage Oils?

Massage oils have been widely used in massage therapy - an ancient practice that packs both mental and physical benefits. There are numerous types of massage oils that are utilized today. Although studies are still small, there is evidence there are immunological and psychological benefits to aromatherapy massages.

Aromatherapy massages have also been found helpful for clients suffering from anxiety, agitation, even alopecia areata and psoriasis. As new research is done, more and more benefits of massage therapy using essential oils are highlighted and better understood.

Caution Regarding Allergies

Massage oils contains very concentrated properties of herbs or plants that they are extracted from. The diluted extracts can cause irritation or allergic reactions in some individuals. When you do your initial consultation with your client, ask them if they have any known allergies. It's also important to learn the signs of an allergic reaction, should you start working with an oil your client isn't aware that they're allergic to.

The Beginner's Guide to Massage Therapy Oils

Can you see yourself working with massage therapy oils to give your clients the best massage possible? If you're interested in earning an Associate of Applied Science degree in Massage Therapy from ECPI University, be sure to contact a helpful admissions advisor to see if this accelerated program is right for you.

It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI's College of Health Science TODAY!

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