Industrial Engineering Technology

As you figure out the next phase in your life and what career choice is the best option for you, industrial engineering technology may be on your mind. It takes a specific type of person to enjoy this path for their future. Here are a few reasons why it might be the right fit for you.

1. You’re Creative

When a person is defined as creative, you often think of an artist, musician, or author. However, plenty of creative people find jobs in more traditional settings that are stable and offer “regular hours.” It takes a great deal of creativity to work in many positions under the industrial engineering technology umbrella. Career paths can include drafting and computer graphics, as well as product engineering, and may include tasks such as designing products, equipment, or other items. If you like to build unique and innovative products, this could be the career choice for you.

2. You’re a Problem Solver

You may like to use your creative skills to come up with a unique solution to a problem. If you’re the person people turn to when they can’t figure out what to do, you should consider this career choice. People with an industrial engineering technology background not only enjoy solving problems, but they like to come up with new ways of approaching them altogether.

3. You Excel at Math

You were the person who always knew the answer in your high school math class and you chose to take all of the difficult classes, like trigonometry and calculus, which others avoided like the plague. If this sounds like you, industrial engineering might be the career path for you. Math is used in analysis and design as well as for troubleshooting problems.

4. You’re Great at Communication

Someone with this degree must be able to communicate with others. Part of that process includes being able to listen and understand the problem at hand, even though those explaining the problem might not always be adept at understanding the issues. The only way to solve a problem is to understand it in the first place. The goal should always be to resolve the issue the first time around by gathering enough information, and this involves identifying clues for a proper diagnosis.

5. You Have a Propensity for Leadership

Leadership qualities are important in most field, including industrial engineering technology. Many times, engineers are called upon to lead teams in the development of a new product or solution. They may have to explain processes to team members and work with them to reach specific goals. Being able to be hands on and tackle issues on your own is important, but a leader also knows when to trust others on a team with critical aspects. Knowing how to differentiate when to do either is a key trait in leadership, especially when it involves the kind of highly complex tasks found in this industry.

6. You’re Good at Speaking in Public

Engineers and technologists often have to present their ideas to the team or upper-level management, and they must be able to speak clearly and confidently to win over supporters or to help others follow the concepts of the processes. If you have this kind of confidence and like to share information with others, you may excel in this career.

7. You’re Looking for a Career with Long-term Potential

You may be thinking about a career with the potential for advancement and one that will still be relevant in the next 10, 20 or even 30 years. While some industries phase out and are replaced by new technologies, industrial engineering technology won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in this industry is expected to show little change. Because this position can work with various industries, you could enjoy more versatility in your overall career choice. The key for continued success in this field is to learn the latest software and programs and become skilled in computer technology. People with industrial engineering technology degrees can look at careers in health care, manufacturing, technology and science as well as other industries.

Considering a Career in Industrial Engineering Technology?

If industrial engineering technology sounds like the right career choice for you and a good fit for your personality, it may be time to begin working towards an industrial engineering career. Contact ECPI University to learn more about earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. With year-round programs, you can complete your education faster and be on your way to pursuing your dream career. It could be the Best Decision You Ever Make!

Learn more about ECPI's College of Technology TODAY!

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