7 Culinary Blogs Every Culinary Student Should be Following

7 Culinary Blogs Every Culinary Student Should be Following

The food industry is a fickle place. Trends emerge and then disappear. New recipes replace old ones. New themes for restaurants pop up and then get overtaken by something even fresher. In such a rapidly changing business landscape, you want to keep ahead of what you'll be learning in your chosen culinary school. Here are seven culinary blogs that can teach you a great deal about the food and service industry and how to excel at your chosen profession.

1. NPR's The Salt

Although NPR is mostly known for its informative and entertaining collection of radio programs, the company has also launched blogs on many topics. The Salt is a blog about food, and it takes an expansive look at the world of foods and services. Blog topics can range anywhere from news about food to new trends taking restaurants by storm.

The good thing about the site is its vast scope. There's something in there for both the seasoned professional and the complete novice. Whether you have deep ties to the food industry or are merely an outsider looking for an inside peek, this site carries plenty of information that you will find useful and entertaining.

2. Joy the Baker

Not just for bakers (although that is the main demographic), this blog is a great place to find fresh and inventive recipes that can help you add an extra special flavor to your cooking. The site is run by Joy Wilson, a celebrity chef with many recipes and cookbooks to her credit. She talks about her personal experience in the world of baking, and regularly posts updates about her latest experiments with baking techniques. There's an exhaustive recipe list, and the blogs are written in a fun, light manner that helps make the often complicated instructions interesting and easy to follow.

3. Beth Hoffman: Forbes Online

If you're looking for the bigger picture of how corporations are having an effect on existing food systems, this is the blog to follow. The articles can get a bit technical at times, but there's a mine of useful information in there about the food industry for consumers from an insider's perspective. What sets this blog apart is that it's not just a collection of food related news, but a thoughtful analysis of how new developments in the food industry impact everyone from the manager to the cook to the consumer.

4. Rachel Zemser

A food science consultant, Rachel Zemser has a wealth of experience in food research and development. The blog carries helpful advice and suggestions for entrepreneurs who are looking to make their start in the food industry. The blog also has some downloadable books which contain detailed information about the food and service industry and how to become a successful member. If you're looking for ways to create your own little niche in the food industry, this is the blog you should be reading.

5. Food Manufacturing

This blog is filled with information pertaining to the food industry from a business industry perspective. There is news, reports, studies and statistics available on the site all aimed at bettering your understanding of how the food market works. There is also a useful little 'How to' section which talks about everything ranging from setting up a new eatery to growing your own food. The site carries a pretty exhaustive syllabus of resources for food enthusiasts as well as businesses, and there is also a constantly updated directory of the best food companies to do business with.

6. Matt Bites

In today's age, it pays to have a global perspective on your profession, and that is exactly what Matt Armendariz provides you with on his blog. A photographer, cook and travel enthusiast, Mr. Armendariz posts images of immaculately photographed dishes from all over the world. The blog also offers an insider's peek into the world of food service practices from across the globe. There are also interviews with famous chefs, exotic dish recipes and business advice for the entrepreneurially inclined. Spending some time reading this blog will expand your cuisine knowledge and give you an inside look at the food industry.

7. Organette

To call Molly Wizenberg's work a blog would almost seem an inadequate description of her work. There is a novel-like quality to the site, which narrates her experiences from her early days starting out in a Brooklyn-style pizzeria, and is filled with funny anecdotes, heart-warming tales of her professional career and lots of fun and inventive recipes that carry a homely charm due to the writing while holding up to the highest standards of culinary perfection. Definitely worth a look for its unique perspective at the food industry.

7 Culinary Blogs Every Culinary Student Should be Following


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