5 Ways to Balance Work and School

5 Ways to Balance Work and School

If you're talking on a full-time class load on top of a full-time work schedule you already know your life is going to change. But how can you prepare for such a dramatic change in your life and maintain the balance between work and school? Here are some tips to get you started when you begin your journey towards a degree.

1. Acknowledge that this Degree will Require Sacrifices

No one is going to hand you your diploma. You have to earn it. You can only do that through hard work and determination. Focus on your goals and admit to yourself that you are going to have to forgo some of the niceties of life for a little while as you earn your diploma.

For example, you might have enjoyed taking an afternoon nap or lounging in a bubble bath for hours. Now that you're in school, your plate is going to be full with class time, study time, projects, and of course, your regular work. With less free time available, you might have to let go of a few things you liked to do in order to fit in your educational goals.

2. Prepare Everyone in Your Life

Sometimes a simple social media post will do the trick. Tell everyone that you're going to be starting classes and your time and attention is going to be on school until you graduate. So that Tuesday night card game is going to have to wait. Your dinner out with your best friend will have to move to another night when you're not studying.

3. Prepare Yourself for Going Back to School

The first action you might take when going back to school is to get new notebooks and index cards. But it's not just that. Mentally prepare yourself for the rigors of higher education. Plan as far ahead as you can and know that you're in for a long road, but one that has a great reward at the end; a degree.

4. Prepare Yourself for Some Trial and Error

Finding out what works for you when you go to school and balance work is going take some time and you're going to make mistakes along the way. Staying up all night to finish a school project before a big work presentation? Generally not a good idea. But not planning far enough in advance to have all of your homework done and time to prepare for the big presentation might leave you without any other option.

Remember that just as you're learning in your classes, you are learning how to balance school and work. At first you might slip up at one or the other, but by the time you walk across the stage to get your diploma, you'll be an expert at handling both.

5. Keeping Working towards Finding that Balance for Yourself

Unfortunately, there's no magic in finding the balance between work and school. You have to see what works for you and what doesn't. Even if you vastly underestimate your energy and time the first term, there's a second and a third, and you can work with the new experiences you've been through to find the best fit for yourself and your lifestyle. Resolve to keep working until you find the balance.

5 Ways to Balance Work and School

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