International Students



Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice


Criminal Justice Overview

Looking for a career where you can make a real difference? There is no more noble profession than keeping your fellow citizens free from harm. What’s more, it’s a truly fascinating career. Today’s criminal justice professionals work in a variety of settings involving investigations, security, law enforcement, forensic science, and technology.

If this sounds like the career you’re looking for, consider ECPI University’s Criminal Justice program. Through ECPI’s year-round schedule, you could earn a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice in as little as 2.5 years.! An Associate Degree program is also available at select campuses which can prepare graduates for entry level employment in the Criminal Justice field, and could be earned in just 1.5 years.

ECPI’s program could prepare graduates for exciting career opportunities with:

  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Homeland Security
  • Border Protection
  • Corrections
  • Fraud Investigation
  • Public and Private Security (including Workplace Security and Surveillance)

ECPI’s curriculum is designed to give students an understanding of:

  • Policies and procedures of law enforcement
  • Legal system and court structure
  • Security and surveillance principles
  • Technology to investigate, solve, track, and deter crime
Program Description

ECPI University builds all of its programs around one guiding principle: LEARN BY DOING. That’s especially important for those studying Criminal Justice because knowing what to do in critical situations can literally save a life. ECPI’s Criminal Justice program focuses on real-world application of criminological principles. This program can prepare graduates to play a vital role in the investigation and prosecution of criminals in both the physical world and cyberspace. Students can develop knowledge and skills in such areas as:

  • Anti-Terrorism and Homeland Security Functions
  • Law Enforcement, Security, Surveillance, and Investigations
  • Courtroom Procedures
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Corrections
Possible Career Track

Upon completion, graduates with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Criminal Justice Degree could possibly pursue a career in a wide range of areas including:

  • Police Officers
  • State Troopers
  • Corrections
  • Federal Officer / Investigative Positions (including those related to FBI, CIA, DEA, and TSA)
  • Insurance Investigations
  • Probation and Parole
  • U.S. Customs and Border Patrol
  • Court Systems or Law Firms
  • Park Rangers
  • Private Security

Program Requirements

Core Curriculum48 semester credit hours
Course IDCourse NameCredits
CJ100Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJ106Criminal Law I3
CJ325CJ Special Populations3
CJ110Law Enforcement Operations3
CJ125Criminal Procedure3
CJ130Ethics in Criminal Justice3
CJ225Crime Scene Management3
CJ229Cybercrime Investigation3
CJ230Introduction to Terrorism3
CJ350Criminal Justice Documentation3
CJ380Private Security I3
CJ410CJ Capstone Project3
CJ430Conflict Management3
Arts and Sciences31 semester credit hours
Course IDCourse NameCredits
CAP480Arts and Sciences Capstone3
COM115Principles of Communication3
ENG110College Composition3
ENG120Advanced Composition3
HUM205Culture and Diversity: Exploring the Humanities3
MTH131College Algebra3
PHY120LPhysics LAB1
PSY105Introduction to Psychology3
PSY220Positive Psychology3
Self-Integration and Computer Literacy6 semester credit hours
Course IDCourse NameCredits
CIS108Office Applications2
COR191Career Orientation1
FOR110Essentials for Success3

Concentration Requirements

Criminal Justice18 semester credit hours plus electives
Course IDCourse NameCredits
CJ115Drugs and Crime3
CJ205Juvenile Justice3
CJ370Rules of Evidence3
CJ435Emergency Planning3
CJ461Media Relations for Law Enforcement3
CJ480Probation and Parole3
 Various Electives18
Course IDCourse NameCredits
ACC160Principles of Accounting I3
ACC161Principles of Accounting I3
BUS121Introduction to Business3
CJ115Drugs and Crime3
CJ205Juvenile Justice3
CJ245Multi-Cultural Communication for Law Enforcement3
CJ290Externship-CJ III3
CJ291Externship-CJ II2
CJ292Externship-CJ I-a1
CJ310Digital Forensic Analysis3
CJ320Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence3
CJ340Organized Crime3
CJ361Law Enforcement Management3
CJ370Rules of Evidence3
CJ390Crime Mapping3
CJ400Fraud Examinations3
CJ416Domestic Terrorism3
CJ461Media Relations for Law Enforcement3
CJ480Probation and Parole3
CJ481Case Management for Criminal Justice Professionals3
CJ485Homeland Security3
CJ490Externship-CJ Sr. III3
EET350Overview of Electronic Security Devices3
Possible Outcomes

Criminal Justice Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are expected to:

  • Apply ethical standards across professional and personal settings
  • Evaluate the quality and sufficiency of evidence in the criminal justice process
  • Analyze the impact of human behavior on crime
  • Assess criminal justice issues using modern techniques including technology
  • Apply the skills needed to manage crisis within various populations
  • Evaluate emergency operations plans

Criminal Justice Concentration Outcomes

Students in the Criminal Justice concentration will gain the following additional outcomes:

  • Analyze the major functions of the criminal justice system