ECPI University Reaffirmed by Golden Key
CPI University has received reaffirma-
tion for its membership in the Golden
Key International Honour Society. With more
than two million members and 400 chapters
around the world, Golden Key is the world’s
largest honor society. The Society offers its
members exclusive opportunities and con-
nections through $1,000,000 in scholarships
and awards annually, partnerships with major
corporations, career advancement, and study
abroad programs.
ECPI University Selected to Beta Test
Student Success Software
tarfish Retention Solutions, Inc., a
leading student success company,
has unveiled the prototype of its newest
module of the Starfish
Enterprise Suc-
cess Platform™. Starfish INSIGHT enables
institutions to quickly and easily visualize
the correlations between their efforts to
help students be successful and related
student outcomes. ECPI University is one
of a select group of colleges and universi-
ties the company has partnered with to
help refine the software’s design.
Higher education institutions have invested
in an array of innovative approaches to
help students be successful, ranging from
comprehensive ideas like living-learning
communities and technology-enhanced
classrooms to discrete improvements such
as additional professional development
for tutoring staff. Uncovering the effect
of these initiatives on student outcomes
remains a challenge for decision makers in
both academic and student affairs. With-
out this insight, institutions cannot align
their efforts effectively by doing more of
what works and changing what does not
Most institutions, including ECPI Uni-
versity, are capable of this analysis, but
the effort typically falls on overworked
institutional research offices with limited
bandwidth to support additional innovation
in academic and student services. An-
other limitation compounds the challenge:
getting data about which students partici-
pated in which activities is difficult.
“Starfish INSIGHT promises to answer
questions that higher education institutions
have been grappling with for a long time
about their student success programs,”
says Maryse Levy, Vice-President of Stu-
dent Development at the University. “Us-
ers are able to view summary and detail
information about student participation in
any student success program or innova-
tion (first year experience, tutoring, eBooks
used in courses, etc.); learn what students
are doing in those offerings, when, and
how frequently; and understand which
programs have the biggest or least impact
on student outcomes.
“Data can be aggregated or sliced across
dimensions that include demographics,
academic preparedness, grit, institutional
engagement, academic status, financial
status, and use of technology, including
the Starfish platform. ECPI University’s
faculty and staff is excited to participate in
the development of INSIGHT and to con-
tribute in this way toward helping improve
graduation rates in higher education.”
or the Davis family, ECPI University is
a family affair. Mom Wendy is a mem-
ber of the Network Security faculty and
her quadruplets are all students. Daugh-
ters Victoria and Samantha are studying
Criminal Justice and Network Security and
sons Jake and Tyler are studying Network
Security and IT Management.
“I have been a faculty member at ECPI
University’s Online campus since 2005
and it is an honor to be a part
of this University,” says Wendy.
“We are a very active family and
do almost everything together.
We center many of our activities
around school work so ECPI’s
flexible schedule is perfect for
us. All four kids are making
straight A’s and I couldn’t be
more proud of them!”
Meet the Davis’ – ECPI University’s Online Family