Reaching Out: ECPI
North Carolina
Greensboro –
Members of Phi Theta
Kappa Honor Society
collected hundreds of
pounds of pet food
and supplies for the
Humane Society.
– Physical Therapist Assistant stu-
dents from the Emerywood Campus in Richmond participated
in the Special Olympics
Virginia Healthy Athletes
Fun Fitness event for the
third year in a row. The
annual Summer Games
draws hundreds of ath-
letes with various abilities
from across the state. Ten
students worked along-
side physical therapists
and physical therapist
assistants, assessing dozens of athletes for strength, flex-
ibility, cardiovascular endurance, balance, and overall physi-
cal health. Students enjoyed congratulating the athletes on
their successes in the games and giving advice on health and
fitness. The event helped strengthen the students’ patient in-
teractions and assessment skills. Data
collected from the Fun Fitness event
is deposited into a national database
that helps to analyze and address
the physical fitness needs and overall
health of the special needs population.
Steve Touchstone works with
a track and field athlete
– Practical
Nursing students collected
new baby items for mothers
in need.
South Carolina
– The American
Red Cross came to campus
and students, faculty, and staff
turned out to donate 25 pints of
Medical Assisting student Faren Brown
Members of
the Beta Rho
Gamma Chap-
ter of Phi Theta
Kappa hosted the
cleanup and were
joined by faculty,
staff, family members, and fellow students to clean up along
Berryhill Road in front of the Columbia Campus.
– Health-
care Administration
students Tyanne Martin
and Laporcha Willing-
ham held a fundrais-
ing event to promote
Stillborn Awareness.
– A host
of clubs and honor
societies across
campus joined
forces to partici-
pate in the Ameri-
can Cancer Soci-
ety’s Relay for Life,
raising $1,115 for
cancer research.
Matt Ernst, Admissions; Bill Armour, Campus President; Ivey Little, Honor Society
Student Vice President; Ashley Abrams, Director of Admissions; Erla Beegle, Instruc-
tor; Heather Mitchell-Botts, Librarian; Gloria Hicks, Director of Student Affairs; Jennifer
Thomason, Medical Club Advisor; Brooke Frame, student; Jamie Hewett, Financial Aid
Representative; and Charles Craven, Criminal Justice Program Director.
– Faculty and students hosted 25 middle school
students for a week-long “Build-A-Computer Camp.”
Attendees learned
how hardware and
software makes
their favorite elec-
tronics work and
how to disassemble
and reassemble a
Scott Millberg measures range of motion