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Virginia Beach
– Three Virginia Beach high school students
were each awarded $1,000 scholarships for placing among the
top three in ECPI University’s Video Game Challenge.
Virginia Beach
– A new group of veterans has completed
training through the Military to Manufacturing (M2M) Program.
M2M is an initiative between ECPI University and the Virginia
Manufacturers Association to help prepare returning service
members for entry-level jobs in advanced manufacturing.
Each participant completes 100 hours of training in an array of
critical skills areas, including math and measurement, spatial
reasoning and manufacturing technology, and quality and busi-
ness acumen. Several employers were on hand at the ceremo-
ny to meet graduates and discuss career opportunities.
Newport News
– More than 40 students participated in a se-
ries of mock panel interviews. Campus employment partners
served on the panels to help students prepare for “the real
thing.” While this was just for “practice,” some of the employers
have followed up with several students to set up real interviews
for open positions.
Newport News
– The Software Development Club held its
second annual conference for employers, alumni, students,
and faculty which included a series of professional lectures
and student presentations. Network Security student Thomas
Roberts presented software called “Personal Management
System” which can manage employees more efficient and eas-
ily. Web Development student Kristopher Todd demonstrated
the Web-based software called “Document Creator” which
can convert text from HTML forms to PDF file format.
Vast Cookbook Collection Donated to
Culinary Institute of Virginia
ometimes, partners are huge cor-
porations. Other times, they are
thoughtful people who want to help.
Such is the case with Alfred Davidoff.
The Williamsburg resident recently lost
his wife, Maureen, who had a tremen-
dous passion for cooking. So much so,
she collected more than 2,000 cook-
books during her lifetime. Knowing that
ECPI University’s School of Culinary Arts
is filled with students who share that
passion, he donated them all to the Uni-
versity’s library. The books are currently
being catalogued and will be divided
between the Virginia Beach and Newport
News campuses. Mr. Davidoff, a grateful
university thanks you.
Library Director Rebecca M. Tabakin
unloading cookbooks
Alfred and Maureen Davidoff