Northern Virginia
– As part of his quad-copter project, EET
student Donald Gheen uses a Proportional Integral controller
to drive four 3-phase brushless DC motors using IMU sensors.
(Pictured with Donald is EET faculty member Dr. Reza Jafari)
Northern Virginia
– With the help of an Arduino Mega 2560
microcontroller, EET student Erick Rivera developed a code for
12 different sequences that turn on and off LED lights.
Newport News
– Medical Assisting student Brittany Harris
practicing sutures on a pig’s foot.
Newport News
– Dr. Maribeth Mojares, Dental Assisting
Program Director, oversees dental competencies.
Electronics Engineering
Technology student Jason
Halbritter took a refur-
bished electronic trainer
box and a 3D printer to
create parts and build an
open source INMOOV ro-
bot which he controls with
an Arduino board.
– Medical Assisting student Gen-
esis Castillo practices procedures with the help of Massage
Therapy student Courtney Malone who volunteered her
finger for the cause!